Birth of Khwaja Baba Gharib Nawaz (R.A.)
Khwaja Ghraib Nawaz (R.A) was born in Sanjar ,a village of khursan province in 537 Hijri Sanjar is located in North of Qandhar at the distance to be covered in 24 hours. The mubarak place Is still remained.
Father of Garib Nawaz (R.A) Syed GAYASUDDIN HASSAN (R.A) was the Grandson of HAZRAT MUSA KARIM (R.A). Mother of GHAREEB NAWAZ (R.A), BIBI UMMUL WARA, known as Bibi MAH-E-NOOR was the great grand daughter of HAZRAT IMAM HASAN (R.A).Thus GHARIB NAWAZ (R.A) is Hussani Syed with his paternal blood and Hassni Syed by maternal side.
Gharib Nawaz (R.A) ‘s mother, Hazrat BIBI UMMUL WARA is quoted as saying “As soon as “I conceived this beloved son, Moinuddin, the house seemed to be full of blessing and prosperity. Our enemies turned into friends and I started having pious and auspicious dreams and when he was born, my house was shining with a divine light.